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Information about the provider in accordance with Section 5 TMG and Section 18 Paragraph 2 MStV
Haydnstr. 20
01309 Dresden

Owner of

Sten Valandt, sole proprietorship

Activity and professional title

Loan broker with permission in accordance with Section 34c Paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code, Federal Republic of Germany.
Insurance broker with permission in accordance with Section 34d Paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code, Federal Republic of Germany.
Real estate loan broker with permission in accordance with Section 34i Paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code; Federal Republic of Germany.


Permission according to Section 34c Paragraph 1 No. 1 and No. 2 GewO,

and § 34 i paragraph 2 number 4
(arranging financing and loan contracts)

Permission according to Section 34d Paragraph 1 GewO
(arranging insurance)

Intermediary register
Regulatory authorities

State capital Dresden GB Order and security public order office

Dept. of Commercial Affairs

Augsburger Str. 3

01309 Dresden

Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Long way 4
01239 Dresden

Professional regulations

For work as an insurance broker:

  • § 34d Commercial Code (GewO)
    §§ 59-68 Law on Insurance Contracts (VVG)
    § 48b Insurance Supervision Act (VAG)
    Ordinance on insurance brokerage and advice (VersVermV)


To work as a real estate loan broker:

  • § 34i Trade Code (GewO)
    Ordinance on real estate loan brokerage (ImmVermV)
    §§ 665a-655e Civil Code (BGB)
    Art. 229 § 38 and Art. 247 §§ 13, 13b Introductory Act to the Civil Code (EGBGB)

The professional regulations can be viewed and accessed via the homepage operated by the Federal Ministry of Justice and juris GmbH.

Arbitration bodies

Versicherungsombudsmann e.V., PO Box 08 06 32, 10006 Berlin,

Ombudsman for private health and nursing care insurance, Kronenstraße 13, 10117 Berlin,

Arbitration board for commercial insurance, investment and credit brokerage, PO Box 10 14 24, 20009 Hamburg,

Online dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):
You can find our email address at the top of this page.
We are not willing or obliged to take part in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Participations of or in the party required to provide information does not hold a direct or indirect stake of more than 10% of the voting rights or capital in an insurance company.

No insurance company holds an indirect or direct stake of more than 10% of the voting rights or capital in

Legal Information

We strive to offer our website up-to-date, correct content and complete. However, we cannot guarantee that there will be no errors. We reserve the right to change the website or discontinue operations at any time without notice. We have no obligation to update the content on the Website.

Use of the website is at the user's own risk. We assume no responsibility or liability for any damage that may arise from access and/or use of the website. This applies in particular to direct, indirect, accidental, pre-specified or consequential damages.

We expressly distance ourselves from all third-party content that can be accessed via external links on our website and assume no responsibility for their content or availability. We also assume no responsibility for content that violates common decency or is relevant to criminal or liability law.

If there is an opportunity to enter personal or business data within the website, this is done on a voluntary basis by the user.

Data protection information

On the Data Protection page you will find detailed information about how we handle personal data. You will receive, among other things, information on the transfer of data to third parties, the use of cookies and links to websites of other providers. We encourage you to read our privacy policy.

Copyright and illustration credits

We would like to point out that all text, images and graphics on our website are protected by copyright and are subject to other laws protecting intellectual property. It is not permitted to copy, modify or use this content on other websites. Some images on our website are subject to the copyright of those who provided them. Please also note the image references on our website. Thank you for your understanding!

Integration of external content

Finsolio, a brand of GmbH, is responsible for integrating all financing configurators (web applications) as well as digital tools (top interest table).

All information can be found at

Photo credits

All information about the graphics, icons, logos and pictograms used can be found under our Photo credits.

Initial information

The initial information on the legally binding information that must be presented to you as an interested party before an insurance consultation.

Financial broker-sits-at-the-laptop

Stay in touch with us

We are an authorized and regulated broker of financing and loan agreements, as well as insurance. We specialize in real estate financing in Germany. Our innovative financing platform offers you the opportunity to compare and apply for the best top interest offers from almost all financing institutions in Germany. You can actively and independently start your project at any time and determine current interest rates in real time. This is made possible by state-of-the-art interfaces to product providers and fully digitalized processes, which offer you maximum transparency, security and speed. If necessary, we offer you detailed advice from our experts for every financial concern, so that you can always make your decisions on an expert basis.

§ 34 c, d, i GewO

regulated by IHK Dresden

Flag of the Free State of Saxony

This measure is co-financed by tax revenue based on the budget approved by the Saxon state parliament.

Progressive web app financing configurator
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Progressive web app

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In-house R&D projects are supported by tax funding for research

Co-financed by the

European Union

© 2024


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Every investment in a financial product represents a risk. Your invested assets can increase or decrease. Past performance and market values, some of which are presented using algorithms, are no guarantee of future results. Historical returns, expected returns or probability forecasts may not reflect actual future performance. The tax aspect also needs to be considered and depends on your individual circumstances and may also change in the future.

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