Real estate financing – with digital solutions for your financing offer
Get started with digital real estate financing in just 3 minutes and compare and apply for the best conditions in the offer dashboard
Real estate financing – an exciting step on the way to owning your own home. Are you dreaming of a luxurious condo or a charming house? No matter what project you want us to fulfill your wishes. In order to be well prepared for the upcoming journey, we offer you, with our innovative financing configurators, an interactive platform where you can act independently right from the start and smartly determine, compare and use your financing offers for your residential property, such as a condominium or house You can apply digitally to the selected financing institution. This is made possible by this state-of-the-art technology, which meets you with your concerns at eye level and where you need support or advice, is accompanied by specialists right through to implementation.
Perfectly coordinate your individual financing project in the financing configurator
Very often, when it comes to real estate financing, it becomes apparent that very individual aspects need to be examined. The financing configurator maps almost all conceivable private financing projects and wishes, better than any other construction financing calculator does. It doesn't matter whether additional income, parental leave, one or two borrowers, existing properties, additional security or different types of loans and several financing modules should be taken into account. We offer almost every financing configuration and constellation for you using the web application in self-service. These can be very simple but also complex projects - start the dynamic financing configurator, go directly to the offer dashboard and use the clear list of results and find your suitable financing offer.
Loan types that can be determined:
Annuity loan
Full repayment loan
KfW promotional loan
Interim financing
Variable loans
Subordinated loans / personal loans
loans suspended on repayment
Building savings loan
Adjustable preferences:
Speed of loan approval / filtering by credit institutions with short, medium and long processing times
Debit interest rates from 1 to 35 years
Commitment interest-free period of 1 - 24 months
Repayment rate change
monthly installment or repayment rate from 1%
Financing structure with/without promotional loans and/or building savings solutions
Special repayment options (5% p.a., 10% p.a. or others)
Specification of the loan term (years, until retirement...)
several/different financing modules
Results list with sorting function in the offer dashboard:
lowest rate
best interest rate
Processing time of the credit institution
lowest repayment
Progressive web app
available as
Credit characteristics that can be taken into account:
any type of employment (employees, civil servants, self-employed, freelancers, pensioners, pupils, students, housewives/househusbands, on parental leave)
Approach to parental leave and parental allowance
additional income
Special types of income (commissions, additional salaries, additional income, pensions)
Place of residence (regionally specialized institutes)
Additional security (building savings contracts, life insurance)
Existing properties and rental income
Existing properties as additional security/equity replacement
Object features that can be taken into account:
any property type (EFH, ZFH, RH, MFH, DHH, property)
Leasehold building law
Condition and equipment
Construction year
Property address
Degree of modernization
Energy efficiency
Projects that can be configured:
Purchasing an existing property
Buying a new property / buying from the developer
own building project
Follow-up financing, debt restructuring, modernization
Raising capital
Feasibility and interest rates are determined by individual parameters
With the financing configurator, we provide you with a web application that was developed with the expertise of competent experts in the financing industry. Great importance was placed on the correct and complete consideration of a financing project, which ultimately offers you maximum reliability when determining valid financing offers. A comprehensive overview of the individual creditworthiness as well as the exact property details forms the basis. No long and unnecessary initial discussions where you have to laboriously provide your details. In self-service you start creating a project, can edit it at any time, save it, and identify, compare and apply for financing offers. You can freely choose competent specialist advice based on your wishes.
Top interest rates for
real estate financing
Web tool for real-time determination of the top interest rates for real estate financing
With our user-friendly tool you can easily make various calculations and find the best conditions. Just select the desired level of financing and the desired fixed interest rate and you will receive the top interest rate determined in real time based on the assumptions of the representative example. It will be very helpful for you to get a first impression of the financing rate for your dream property.
Invest sustainably - fully digital asset management
800.000,00 €
400.000,00 €
720.000,00 €
10 Jahre
anfängliche Tilgung
Rate für die Dauer der Sollzinsbindung
1.703,33 € / monatlich
Restschuld Sollzinsbindungsende
306.305,26 €
Kalkulatorische Laufzeit
ca. 30 Jahre
Gesamter Zins- u. Tilgungsbetrag
618.357,20 €
785,00 €
1.200,00 € (leistet Kreditinstitut)
Weitere Annahmen
Inkl. 5%-ige Sondertilgungsoption, kein Tilgungssatzwechsel, 2-monatige Bereitstellungszinsfreie Zeit, Kauf zur Eigennutzung in Deutschland bei einwandfreien Einkommen- und Vermögens-verhältnissen im Angestelltenverhältnis ohne Probezeit mit erstrang-iger Grundschuldbesicherung.
Fester Sollzins / effektiver Jahreszins
3,11 % / 3,18 % p.a.
Stand vom 30.05.2024, 12:28 Uhr GMT+2
Real estate financing can be customized, yet digitally tailored to your project
If the web tool with the quick calculator has already given you a good impression of the top interest rates in the first step, you can check your very individual building financing project in the next step and identify specific financing offers tailored to your needs, where you can also benefit from all the calculation functions . You will be guided through a financing configurator, an ultimate construction financing calculator, until you reach the point where you can identify and compare individual or recommended financing options in an offer dashboard. Interfaces for retrieving all current conditions enable you to determine valid offers for your real estate financing project from all feasible financing providers that match your specific creditworthiness and the financing object. The financing configurator is connected to an independent banking platform that takes into account over 700 financing institutions.